Monday, May 2, 2011


Life is like holding a bunch of strings.
Strings of love, money, relationships, happiness, grief
We try to wrap ourselves in the most essential ones
We try to form a cocoon and hide in it
Till the strings decay
Maybe because of holding too tightly..maybe because it was meant to be
Sometimes, we try to grab more strings that we can handle
It goes on..till we cannot hold anything.
Not even the thought of holding a string...


Anonymous said...

What do you think...

What should be the parameter for deciding which are the most essential ones to hold on to?

Prabhjot said...

Haven't figured that out yet. All I know is that most of us want love, money and satisfaction.

Anonymous said...

I'll agree on 'satisfaction'... Because the rest are debatable :P

Satisfaction or contentment about the fact that one is learning every moment...
Learning new things that instead of pulling one back, are actually liberating him more and more...

Satisfaction about the fact that one is able to think about the things that matter in reality...

Satisfaction about the fact that one has the ability to perform an activity as complex as self check or self awareness, or in other words 'thinking about the lines on which one is thinking', analyzing the thought process itself... Everyone has the ability to do it, but everyone does not have the common sense to do it :P

Satisfaction about the fact that one has the POWER to impose his 'Independent Free Will' irrespective of the situations that seem out of control.

And as far as the parameter is concerned, what about, adhering to one's inner self, in every act one performs :)
Worth giving a shot i would say...